June - Quick View

💗💗I discovered another wonder in my garden pots. This is a plant from the Primula Family. Simple to grow, these delightful plants will form clumps, ensuring each years display is bigger and brighter than the year before.

P. Vialii is an erect stems with a terminal conical spike of light violet flowers, opening from red buds which makes it stand out. 💗
P. Vialii - Primula
Pay attention to your vegetable/ fruit Garden!


I have to say it does look like there will be a nice cherry season...and very soon. This little cherry tree in our garden just won't give up – it makes me so happy!

Growing up with a little garden, producing plants in pots was my first taste of growing my own food. From the potatoes pots, to the little pots of parsley and basil sitting on the kitchen windowsill.
Here are some easy vegetables you can grow in pots: Potatoes, chard, lettuce, cherry and bush tomatoes, peppers, aubergine, summer squash.

Don't forget start rotating the location of your hanging baskets occasionally – particularly if one spot receives more sunlight than another.

Nepeta, Petunea, Campanula

Love to watch something grow from nothing to something, admiring new young growths of plants becoming a mosaic of colors, shape and sizes.


Those are some of my ‘Hardy Perennials’ from last year getting ready to flower this summer: Begonias and Pansies. Deadly ones that they grow every year. 

 Here's a look at a new plant just about to flower, I forgot I seed this plant!

Any Guesses?

Seeds can surprise us with what they become. I am wondering now.

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