What is climate change and how does it affect me?

Ballynafagh Lake - Co.Kildare

During Covid-19 lock down restrictions I returned to my much neglected Blog becoming even more 
minimalist I have ever been!! Observing the immediate effects to our planet’s climate and air pollution due to the restricted movement and travel of people during pandemic.  

While this is a scary time for many of us, it is also a chance to reflect on how we want to positively move forward once the pandemic is over. What can we learn? It is time to act!

Climate change is one of the greatest threats to humanity. Some of the consequences of climate changes are higher average temperatures, rising sea levels, Crop damage by drought and unusual phenomena such as strong storms, extreme fires, and more natural disasters. Representing reduce in crop production and food security, among others.

This is a well known global problem; we can all do our bit, even from our own home. Remember to adopt energy efficiency measures when possible, as they are essential to reduce our impact.

This is the graphic that RTÉ and Met Éireann had shown on the news.

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